jamin thompson how to get bigger arms

How To Get Bigger Arms

Guns, pipes, pythons, you know the deal. All guys want em’, but not ever guy will ever claim em’. Jacked, ripped, intimidating, and dare I say SEXY, arms… Arms that intimidate other guys… Arms that make the ladies swoon… Arms that make people turn their heads and say “holy s… OOPS! Looks like you don’t […]

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jamin thompson superhero workout superman

The Superhero Workout

I’ve been getting a ton of questions and emails lately about workouts… Many of them are the usual questions like “what kind of workout should I be doing” Or… “Send me a workout plan dude” Or… “I’ve been stuck on the same workout for a while and I’m bored as hell”… I guess when … […]

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jamin thompson pull up challenge

The 1,000 Pull-Up Challenge

Over the years I’ve tried and experimented with just about every exercise and training tool out there… …Dyno, Prowler, Tires, Sleds, Barbells, Dumbbells, Bodyweight, TRX, Kamagon Balls, Ropes, Rings, Sandbags, Stairs, Hills… …Sledgehammers, Kegs, Atlas Stones, Bodyweight, Bootleg H… OOPS! Looks like you don’t have permission to access to this page. To get access you […]

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